Dear Sissy,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for beginning this wonderful mission of love to reach out to concerned and grieving parents. I pray the parents have been blessed as much as I and the ladies involved in this heartwarming project. In the few years I have been a part of this chapter I have found no greater joy than to be able to spend my time sewing for a greater cause. My heart goes out to each and every one of those families.
As I have been able to keep local hospitals supplied with the packets and gowns, I began to reach out to areas beyond my immediate location. Before leaving, when I travel, I check to see where chapters are already involved and try to go into other towns where there might be a need. The hospitals have been receptive and very appreciative and might otherwise not been able to minister to their patients in this way. I tell them about ‘Threads of Love’ and provide them contact information if they are interested.
To God’s Glory,
Gay Grant
Grant’s Threads of Love