- Email us or write to us at Threads of Love, P.O. Box 561, Denham Springs, LA 70785.
- Tell a friends about Threads of Love! Anyone can help even if they can not sew. We have a saying …”If you can count to five, we can use you!” If you aren’t sure about your sewing skills, the ladies in your local chapter will be happy to teach you. If you have a sewing machine that goes backwards and forwards, we can use you!
- Make a donation of fabric, ribbon, lace, or funds to your local chapter of Threads of Love (see Chapter Listings).
- Pray for Threads of Love. God has been so faithful to our ministry thanks to prayers from you!
- Sign up to become a chapter in your community (see Join Us).

Donation Information
Many people ask how they can financially support Threads of Love. Threads of Love is a registered non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We are funded solely with donations, and our director and assistant director work completely on a volunteer basis. You may specify that you want your donation to purchase material and other supplies for the baby gowns and other items. A very small amount from donations is used to disseminate information to our Chapters. Any donation you feel led to provide is appreciated beyond measure. God has been so faithful to this ministry, providing exactly what we have needed at exactly the right time.
If you are interested in donating, please send to the address below. When we receive your donation, we will provide you with a tax receipt. If it’s in memory of someone please give us the persons name and an address where we can send a notice to the family about the donation.
Threads of Love Foundation
P. O. Box 561
Walker, LA 70785